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 I usually have something available so if you don't see what you are looking for contact me as I don't update very often.


Available rabbits:

I have a nice harlequin buck available to anyone looking for a meat producer. I'm asking $10 for him with no pedigree.


Bryanna has pair of nice black mini rex available.

the buck is a black sr buck out of top show winning lines, she's asking $30 for him alone. He's proven and a very sweet boy.


She also has a brkn black mini rex jr doe. She's from similar lines as the buck  but far enough out that breeding the pair is okay. These two would be  great together in my opinion. $30


for it wanted the pair I'll take $10 off


We also have several litters in the box and due, everything from harlequins to the mini rex so please let me know if there's anything you might be interested in..


We're also moving along out sr herd animals to make room for new generation I make package deals on sr animals... so if you see one on Bryanna's Mini Rex page that you like I can let you know when they will be available.



I LOVE to barter and trade with people. I'm VERY interested right now in bartering and trading for RAW milk products (goat and cow), homemade soaps (goat soap especially) and anything else you might be interesting in bartering with.